Blue Poppy newsletter: QUINNSESSENTIALS

The first Japanese style of treatment I learned is called Manaka’s Yin-Yang Channel Balancing. If you have heard of ion-pumping cords, it is the style that incorporates the use of these tools in a multi-step process. Dr. Yoshio Manaka, MD was a giant figure in modern Japanese AOM until his passing in 1989. He published many books, articles, and research papers, always demonstrating his probing mind and innovative thinking…

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Blue Poppy newsletter: QUINNSESSENTIALS: 2019 May 6

I have just finished the second of three modules in an Engaging Vitality (EV) training with Dan Bensky, Marguerite Dinkins, and Rayén Antón, L.Ac. Chip Chace was a part of the original EV team of developers and teachers, but he sadly passed last year—Rayén will teach the third module next month. This is the second time I have gone through this training. (I think for anything you want to learn, it’s important to expose yourself to it multiple times.)

It is a bit difficult to know where to start in describing this unique approach to acupuncture. It is so different that no other style approaches it in character or technique; it truly stands alone. Current students and seasoned acupuncturists with decades of experience are in the EV training with me, and both seem to pick up the work at about the same pace. Interesting that previous clinical experience in East Asian Medicine seems to not guarantee success in EV. What brings success is approaching the work with a spirit of openness and a willingness to follow the precise instructions given. Seeing the excellent performance of the students in the class, I find myself wishing I had come on this work long ago.

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